Lucas Lange double 'L' logo

Lucas Lange

Computer Science student at EMU


As you might have guessed, my name is Lucas Lange. I am a computer science student at Eastern Michigan Universtiy and a general programming enthusiast. I love making things that challenge my creativity and force me to learn new things.

On this page, you'll find a list of projects I've made (or am making). Some are little games I made years ago, and some are more recent additions. Feel free to check them out below if you'd like.


a picture of pixel art frogs in a pond

Frog Game (coming soon)

I am currently working on - title pending - an arcade-style, frog-themed game. The goal would be for the player to hop around as the pixelated frog you see above, trying to eat all the flies while avoiding snakes and/or snapping turtles. Of course, everything is still a work in progress and subject to potential change.

a picture of a maze

Maze Generation

Maze Generation is fun to watch and fun to code. I enjoyed making this little project that generates mazes with adjustable randomness. It can generate slowly or quickly per your viewing pleasure. And, it has a built-in style for printing. Just hit CTRL-p and enjoy.

a picture of some drawn circles 'orbiting' a fixed center point.

Orbit Sim

This simple 2D orbit simulator spawns 100 planets to start. Given options to control the planets' inital values for velocity, distance, and size, there are lots of fun patterns to explore.

a picture of a simple ASCII style game

Dodge The V's

This project started with the question of whether or not it is possible to create a game using only text in an HTML element. One could say that this is my proof-of-concept. To play this little game, just dodge the falling V's and collect the coins.

a picture of a half-solved sudoku puzzle

Sudoku Solver

The sudoku solver does exactly what you'd expect. It solves sudoku puzzles - whether you put in complete clues or not. At the time I made this, I was quite proud of the algorithm since I came up with it on my own. Now, I mostly use it to check my work on puzzles.

picture of 2D minigolf

2D Minigolf

2D Minigolf was my second game using the Phaser.js library (use Chrome or MS Edge to play). I'll be the first to admit it isn't all that pretty, but I had a lot of fun making it. It's a simple, but challenging game, and it lets you design your own levels too.

picture of a simple platformer

A Simple Platformer

This was my first game using the Phaser.js library (use Chrome or MS edge to play). I focused far more on programming the game than designing the art, but I've been told it can still be enjoyable. You'll also notice I redid select parts of the art while I was working on my pixel art skills.

Contact Me

If you have suggestions for a project or would like to contact me for another reason, feel free to email me at I'm always open to comments, questions, and suggestions.